Our service for migrants in the trades and crafts sector
1. What are considered ‘trades and crafts’?
More than 130 occupations in the fields of construction and finishing, metal and electrical, wood and plastics, textiles, food, health and creative crafts are considered crafts or trades similar to crafts. In Germany, the law sets out which professions count as trades and crafts.
Annex A:
All professions for which a master craftsman’s examination or an equivalent qualification is a precondition for independent employment
Annex B1:
All crafts in which a master craftsman’s examination can be taken voluntarily but is not a precondition for operating the trade
Annex B2: Trades similar to crafts
Companies that are based in Germany and associated with these professions must be members of one of the 53 chambers of crafts nationwide. The Rheinhessen Chamber of Crafts is responsible for the area between the cities of Mainz, Worms, Alzey and Ingelheim and Bingen.
You can discover which chamber of crafts is relevant for you here: https://www.handwerkskammer.de/
2. Who must register with the chamber of crafts?
2.1. You would like to provide a service in Germany occasionally without having your place of business in Germany
Craft enterprises from the EU that wish to (only temporarily) carry out an activity subject to approval under Annex A in Germany must register this activity in advance with the pertinent chamber of crafts. The chamber of crafts in the district in which the activity is initially carried out is responsible. Craft enterprises from the EU that wish to carry out an activity in Annexes B1 and B2 in Germany only temporarily do not have to register this activity.
The form can be found here: Report temporary performance of service
Please fill out the forms legibly and in German. All required documents must be submitted in a certified German translation.
Certificate of compliance with the duty of notification according to § 8 EU/EEA Crafts Regulation
Once the chamber of crafts has received the notification, it first checks the qualification of the owner or manager of the business and the documents to be submitted together with the notification and then issues a certificate. The certificate is used by foreign companies as proof that they are allowed to carry out the activity requiring approval in Germany, and it must be carried at all times. The certificate is valid for 12 months and must then be extended.
2.2. You would like to practice a craft or a craft-like trade independently with a company based in Germany?
Then you need to be entered into our crafts registry.
It is important that the entry be made before commencing the trade activity and the trade registration. The independent operation of a trade is permitted only after the registration with the chamber of crafts and the registration of the trade with the trade authority. Both entries can be made simultaneously online via the application manager: https://www.antragsmanager.de/RLP/login.
The required documents can be uploaded immediately. If we have the required documents in full, we will complete your registration shortly.
What do we need from you?
What will be required: ·
- Data on each owner, managing director, partner and/or technical operations manager
- Processing information (registration fees for sole proprietorship €200, legal entities €300)
- ID card – current registration confirmation (if the information on the place of residence in Germany does not appear on the ID card, the registration confirmation must be no older than three months)
- Proof of qualification (for crafts subject to licensing = Annex A to the Chamber of Crafts [Handwerksordnung, HwO])
- Proof of entry in the commercial register regarding a GmbH, OHG, UG (limited liability), e. K., etc.
- Declaration of the operations manager (by the person who fulfills the requirements for registration for a craft subject to licensing – by e.g. master craftsman’s examination, engineer’s examination, exemption permit, authorization to practice)
- Operations manager contract
- Partnership agreement in the case of registration of a civil law partnership (if set down in writing)
3. Recognition of foreign professional qualifications
You have acquired a trade-oriented vocational qualification abroad? Then contact the Rheinhessen Chamber of Crafts if you reside in our region or would like to work here. We will assess whether your professional qualification is recognized as equivalent to a German qualification.
Please make a personal appointment for an initial consultation
KAUSA Service Center Rhinehesse
Telephone: 06131 9992-495
E-mail: kausa@hwk.de
The KAUSA Service Center Rheinhessen is responsible for the area between the cities of Mainz, Worms, Alzey and Ingelheim and Bingen. Which KAUSA Service Center in Rhineland-Palatinate is responsible for you can be found here https://www.kausa-rlp.de/.
Please bring the following documents to the initial consultation or mail them (in advance): ·
- Identity card or passport
- Educational certificates (final documents/certificates) from your country of origin in the original language
- Certified translations of your documents/certificates into the German language
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form, listing your experience, activities and advanced training courses
- Evidence of practical work experience
After an initial review of the documents, you can usually be told whether a formal application for a finding of equivalence has a chance of success. The procedure for recognition of a professional qualification usually takes between three weeks and three months.
4. Advice
Once they become capable of acting independently, the chamber of crafts provides its member companies with free and competent advice in the areas of law and business management, among others.
5. Working in the trades and crafts for migrants
EU country citizens are allowed to take a job in Germany without any further permits.
Find a suitable position at
Qualified professionals from non-EU countries
Citizens of non-European countries need a residence permit and a work permit to take up employment. The website www.make-it-in-germany.com has information for potential immigrants on how to find their way successfully to Germany – from making preparations in the country of origin to arriving in Germany and taking the first steps here.
6. Training in the trades and crafts for migrants
In Germany, dual training is, alongside university studies, the most recognized path to a career. It is highly regarded by companies and recognized worldwide. Trainees usually work three to four days a week in the company and attend vocational school for one or two days. We can help in the search for a suitable profession and an internship or apprenticeship through a conversation in person or electronically, at www.machdeinhandwerk.de. Our staff offer multi-lingual support. You can also find vacant apprenticeships at:
For citizens of non-European countries, a residence and work permit are also required before training can start. If you have any questions, please contact us.
KAUSA Service Center Rhinehesse
Telephone: 06131 9992-495
E-mail: kausa@hwk.de
The KAUSA Service Center Rheinhessen is responsible for the area between the cities of Mainz, Worms, Alzey and Ingelheim and Bingen. Which KAUSA Service Center in Rhineland-Palatinate is responsible for you can be found here: https://www.kausa-rlp.de/.